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Grill Safety Tips

Grill Safety Tips

According to the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor grilling causes an annual average of 10,200 home fires, and 19,700 patients per year go to emergency rooms because of injuries involving grills. Here are some grill safety tips that will help keep you and your home safe during barbecue season.

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Pool Safety Tips

Pool Safety Tips

Warm weather means fun in the sun! While there are many ways to take advantage of the sunshine, one of the most popular summertime activities is enjoying a day at the pool!

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Does homeowners insurance cover water damage?

Does homeowners insurance cover water damage?

April (and now May) showers, bring May flowers. Unfortunately, these showers can also cause water in your basement due to the back up of your sewer or sump pump.

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Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Claims

Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Claims

Clean your dryer lint hose – it’s important to check and clean the dryer hose, as trapped lint in a dryer is one of the leading causes of house fires and is easily preventable. At the very least, pull the hose off the back of the dryer and use a vacuum cleaner to get the lint that snuck past the lint trap.

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Fireplace Safety Tips

Fireplace Safety Tips

When the weather outside is cold and bitter, you probably just want to stay inside, wrapped up in a thick blanket in front of a crackling fire. Fireplaces, while adding a cozy ambiance of warmth, can also come with some red-hot risks. Here’s 10 hot tips to keep your home warm and safe!

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Ways to Protect Your Home When You’re on Spring Break

Ways to Protect Your Home When You’re on Spring Break

The whole purpose of going on vacation is to get away from the daily grind and relax. Keep these tips in mind as you’re making your preparations so that when it’s time to leave for spring break, you can have a well-deserved and worry-free trip!

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