The Crawford Insurance Group > Newsletters


COVID-19: Office Update to Clients

COVID-19: Office Update to Clients

Like many other organizations, we at The Crawford Insurance Group have been following the outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19) both globally and here in Michigan.

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2020 March Newsletter

2020 March Newsletter

Asset management is just what it sounds like: the management of your assets. It’s important to know how much certain assets, like houses and jewelry, are worth in order to get them properly insured. Insurance provides you with coverage in case of events like fire, flood, robbery, or potential liability, such as being sued after a car accident. While your homeowners policy does offer some coverages, it might not offer the enough coverages that you need. It’s worth looking into extending those coverages with inland marine or umbrella policies to make sure your assets are properly insured.

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2020 February Newsletter

2020 February Newsletter

When the weather outside is cold and bitter, you probably just want to stay inside, wrapped up in a thick blanket in front of a crackling fire. Fireplaces, while adding a cozy ambiance of warmth, can also come with some red-hot risks. Here’s 10 hot tips to keep your home warm and safe!

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2020 January Newsletter

2020 January Newsletter

Happy New Year from all of us at the Crawford Insurance Group!

The holidays are finally over and things are settling down again, so now is the perfect time to review your insurance policies for a worry-free year!

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