Ways to Protect Your Home When You’re on Spring Break


Ways to Protect Your Home When You’re on Spring Break

The whole purpose of going on vacation is to get away from the daily grind and relax. Keep these tips in mind as you’re making your preparations so that when it’s time to leave for spring break, you can have a well-deserved and worry-free trip!

  • Lock the doors and windows.
    • You’d think this is a given, but an estimated 32% of burglars enter through unlocked doors. Clever burglars can still figure out how to get past these barriers, but don’t make it too easy for them to get in.
  • Keep your mailbox clear.
    • A clear sign that no one is home is mail piling up. You can request a temporary mail hold from the USPS, or have someone you trust, like a neighbor or a friend, collect your mail and keep it safely out of sight.
  • Leave a car in your driveway.
    • A car in front of your house is a major deterrent for burglars scoping out potential targets, as it implies that someone may be home. Leave a locked vehicle in your driveway or ask a neighbor to park their car there while you’re gone.
  • Consider getting a home monitoring system, if you don’t already.
    • There are many options available, so make sure you opt for one that fits your home and your needs. Some systems even allow you to view live video of your home from your smartphone, so you can see what’s happening in real-time. Not only will this provide you peace of mind, but depending on the security system you choose, it can also provide you a discount on your homeowners policy!
  • Hire someone to remove snow.
    • A driveway that hasn’t been plowed or shoveled after snowfall is a big indicator to potential burglars that someone isn’t home. Before heading out on your trip, set arrangements to have someone tend to this so your home looks occupied.
  • Unplug appliances and turn off water and gas.
    • Save electricity and eliminate the risk of a power surge blowing out a machine and avoid pressure surges that can burst hoses or pipes while you’re gone. The last thing you want to do when you come back from vacation is file a claim!
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