Car Washing in Winter – Why You Should Be Doing It


Car Washing in Winter – Why You Should Be Doing It

With freezing temperatures, dirty snow everywhere, and roads covered with salt, washing your car in the winter might seem counter-productive since it’s just going to get dirty again. However, snow, road salt, and moisture can cause rust to form on your car, and once rust starts spreading it’s hard to stop.

Rust compromises the integrity of your car, and with time, can deteriorate the body of the vehicle. It can also cause mechanical problems, such as rotting out the exhaust system and corroding the brake and gas lines. Rust can appear anywhere on your vehicle, whether it be under the paint, in little hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, and even underneath the car where there is bare metal.

Fortunately, the best ways to prevent this damage from occurring on your vehicle are quite simple: waxing and washing. 

Auto owners can help reduce the damaging effects of winter grime by applying a quality protective wax onto their vehicles before winter. When it comes time to get a car wash, you should avoid washing your vehicle when the temperatures are below freezing. Try to take advantage of a day where the weather is more moderate, with temperatures around the high 30s or above so that water doesn’t freeze to your car.

Whether washing your vehicle at home or at a car wash, use fresh water and a high-pressure hose. If washing at home, throwing some baking soda into the wash water will help dissolve dried salt on the vehicle’s surface. The undercarriage needs special attention, as salt can really build up in this hard to reach spot. Also make sure to thoroughly clean your tires, as they bear the brunt of winter weather driving! 

After your car has been washed, ensure that it is dried as best as possible, in case the temperatures drop overnight.

Something else to consider is putting rubber mats on the floors of your vehicle, as entering your car with snow and salt on your boots can cause more than damp carpeting. Water and salts can eventually leak into the car’s undercarriage and cause rust to develop there.

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